The world is made out of people. I know that by now, the vegetable boy said to himself. This could only take place on a Sunday he thought. Under the influence. Some people are jerks and most are little jerks. The snow outside is melting. Throwing it in balls is most satisfactory. Reading and writing and running around and what built the library but it certainly took more than one day to do so. Especially the way those people move. So unorthodox. I will wait right here until I see the results I desire. But dont say the desired results. Say the titties is out. Oh and how out they were indeed. All over the internet. Oh yes and of course the library is my church. Obviously. And of course alcohol is linked with the religious experience. The active versus the contemplative life. Beef and having it. One of the precursors must be that it is for no good reason at all. Which luckily, it isn't. I was boorish and offensive, inexplicably so if it weren't for all that whiskey and angst. Whiskey and pickles. Whiskey and coupons. All alone it has no power what so eva. For eva.
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