Oh No! Oh Problems, big kitty problems. Who the hell elected a kitty President? Was it a horny lady kitty electing a foxy man kitty? Or worse yet a horny man kitty electing a mincing lady Kitty President? Oh madam Kitty President I am so sorry, I didnt mean to offend your gentle kitty tastes by saying your a bad president, you are merely a bad kitty. Oh but not such a bad kitty. In fact you are kind of a good kitty. Yes Miss Kitty President you can be the Emporess, oh your such a silly emporess kitty President. Yes kitty you may scratch the presidential scratching post. Oh Damn! Damn your intoxicating kitty eyes straight to kitty hell for tricking me into making you the Kitty Emporess. Now we will never get back to the way we were. Oh the good old days, if only there werent a Kitty President everything would be fine. but for a lady she's doing very well, like the Meg Whitman.
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