Beer, whiskety, fritos, mad men; Saturday. Night time. Very cold out, a snow storm averted but still there are some flakes on the ground blowing around in the cold cold wind. Well, I knew when I walked in the joint something was a little wonky. I knew it was a rip off, sold the wrong product and I enjoyed it, was fooled, fell into the same one two pattern that I had the last time, I didnt know any better, perhaps it looked bad
oh don draper, you look bad.
all he knows how to do is part his hair, he can anything but love, mostly hair product I think.
back to me getting ripped off. While I was leaving I saw that there was a 24 pack of delicious and reliable blue moon for the same price I purchased these here fritos and growler of delicious beer. Yes I must admit it is good beer. And perhaps this is a sign that I am becoming the person that I aspire to be via my purchases. That is the meaning of purchases isnt it, the coming to fruition of ones aspirations.
junk food is my mind.
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