There is a difference between doing nothing and doing something. Even if the outcomes are the same. Even if for one person doing nothing looks exactly like doing something or vice versa. The reason for this is, everybody is different AND wasted time is always the same. It is decided in the upper brainal cravity. Probed by each individual. You must value your stockholders. Mother and Father both. My old dead dog visited me in my sleepy state last night. Was sitting right next to me in the crook of my legs. He was protecting me from the loneliness, the snowstorm and all the strange sounds of it. He was a great great dog. There will never be another one like him. Still it is snowing. I am thinking of brussel sprouts. There is a little vegetable boy in all of us. At all times. In all places, and all states. I am restavek, you are restavek. We are the world. Love is all you need. Because it doesnt have to make sense and it doesnt have to look good. People dont have to like it. Most people wont. But they will slip up. The will soften. And the ones that are hardest. The hearts. They are the ones who will crack the easiest. You cant spend your whole life being one thing and decide to be the other. It will be decided for you. Patience is a virtue.
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