What the Feezy! I have been so preoccupied lately with all the mines laying around the place that I didnt even realize I wanted a mine protecting vehicle. Of course this is what I need! Remember Hummers and H2s: THEY SUCKED! This vehicle here is the future and shit. I'm walking down the street and I'm a little kid (this is an imagination situation) and then motherfucking KABOOM, I step on a land mine. Thats the way the cookie crumbles unless...I had an MRAP. Thats right, you heard me right the first time you read between the lines. I propose that I get elected to senator and then propose a bill to cut education to zero and take that moneys and use it to buy every girl and boy in America an MRAP. So what if theyre stubby legs dont reach the gas pedal. I dont care! So what if they wont be getting an education. I went to school, the school of motherfucking hard knocks biotch university and shit. Magna Cum Loudly. And also what else, its really hard to learn in school when YOU GOT BLOWED UP BY AL QUEDA, also watch out for new spanish speaking terrorist cell Al Queso. Lets discuss it over tea. At a crackin ass teaparty bioth. BYOCA. Bring your own conservative agenda. See you by that boat with british people in it.
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