The boy boiled brussle sprouts, their buoyancy belied their bold flavor. Before consuming the boy washed his hands. To them he announced, ladies and germs of the gentlecourt. Denizens of the cracks and wrinkles in these, my hands, I will now flush you out. You are dirty and you are bad. So the boy plunged the top of the soap dispenser down and the pneumatic squirt of antimicrobrial goo was deposited into his open left palm. Hot water was turned on and the boy began to sluice the water between his two hands, rubbing them against each other according to the unique patterns of his own physioligy. Physiology. Then his throat hurt and he remembered to talk more. Then his chode hurt and he remembered to be more grounded. His brussel sprouts were steaming so he turned off the faucet and put them on a plate. He ate them.
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