Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kirkland of Kent

I can tell you now, with science on my side, that someday in the distant future everything that I am doing now that feels easy will seem hard. Despite the fact that I am a habitual easy road taker, despite the fact that I have little to no ability to turn down temptation. There will be a day in the future when I look back on this era and marvel at my ability to do regularly what I do daily. I wish I knew what that thing was. Is it waking up and sitting on the toilet immediately? Is it the ability to be endlessly distracted by the internet? The poop jokes? If I knew I could fortify that part of myself to make sure I never lose it. But no, it is some part of myself so deeply ingrained, to which I am so blind, which I take for granted on such a level that I am not aware it exists.
And I notice, to be a hero I do not necessarily need to follow the exact same path as my heroes. It is not necessary for me to sell crack to be like Jay-Z. I do not necessarily need to perform in tattered flannel to be like Kurt Cobain. I can be a faithful boring student boyfriend internet browser, grow up to be a mid level banker and maybe grow pot in my basement and still be my own hero. I don't know why. But this is clearly the healthy kind of thing to tell myself. Like eating a pair, but for my psyche.
This is my writing exercise. It was not inspired. I might get joy from reading it later. An average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before their first DUI.

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