Animals With No Faces
Are like Objectives
Expressed in Timelines
With no Deadlines
The hand of God is righting this, with a fist, He's punching my brain now and I'm punching the keys. Its raining now, in my mind. Its rainy, hail, and wind. They are a combo. Quakes in Haiti. This is short fiction. How timely and relevant. Our lives, so intertwined. Was he Haitian, that man this morning who was being a jerk, perhaps it was a global even then that he was so obstinant in facilitating a timely doctors visit.
I wonder what it would be like to...What is a goal for a dog. Had a dog ever scored a touchdown. Clearly I am missing my dog. He is dead and with God. Maybe he thanked God for all those touchdowns he scored as a dog. Pissed on a tree; touchdown. Humped another dog; touchdown. Smelled a butt; touchdown. Barked at night; fieldgoal. Gooseshit; superbowl.
But what about me! Yeah I said. ME! Did you know that the words me and no both contain only two letters and are key to reaching any sort of happiness. The bitch of it is though, they should never be used in conjuction unless it is in the superlative negation sense. or of course in denial, that is when those two words come togethr like Voltron. 'Who Me?! NO, never'
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