Hurtling through time and space, stopping only for the briefest of moments at the turtle casino, I realize myself. Here I am walking down the street, tall and slender with a double chin. Hving just hung up my cellular phone after leaving a long and cryptic voicemail for my griflriend to discover upon the taking of her lunch break (PST) I cross paths with a very high up and influential figure from my employment place. hi x I say, hello you he says to me. How nice. And now I continue to walk down the street with vintage trepidation but ground breaking audacity in the face of aggresive dick breath automotive motor vehicles. Beep they say, suck my balls I reply. And when I reach a certain point, the sunny east side of the street, across from the big heavy church, I call an old friend. It is good and nice. Very impolite and I like all my conversations to be. Then I go to the big blue and yellow retail store, a young girl of indeterminate race takes my unworking or useless webcam and through the magic of button pressing and computer staring makes fifty something dollars mine after they were formerly someone above hers. Oh you sweet silly old fifty something dollars, I missed you so while you were away and now that you are back I am as happy as a deflowered school girl with her secret still intact. Silly happy, fulfilled but unkown, a hacking cough, word bombs being dropped, a heckler heckling an unmoving mass of mobile men and women. I could tell he was lying by the fuckin was his lips was moving'. Situps, chinups, pushups, pullups and stickups. How to get strong.
Anyways, I want a dog or a cat. Something handsome and difficult and especially quarelsome in the early morning when I am most sleepy. Lots of black fur but some white fur and brown fur sort of sprinkled in there too. Maybe a splatter pattern, I dont know Im not picky. But I cant have one of those now. At most I can start to think about a fish, one of those little fish with the big fins and the long jaw and an underbite. Would bitey be an appropriate name? Wind, Earth, Plants and Fire. Thats Feng Shui right? Not electicity and not puppies, but they are still nice
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