My balls are salty, think about that! Some people are not eating salt for different reasons all over the map. For instance religious; hell is made out of sulfur which is also in salt. Or ethical; in Africa its hard for elephants to get enough salt in their diet naturally so they get shot going into this one cave where the guys with guns are.
You can cut the salt out of your life easy, can you tye your shoe laces correctly? But you whiney little butt screws say; what are your methods?
In first methodology I stop putting the salt in my food. I am talking about at restaurants, in bags of potatoe chips, while cooking, etc. and etc. Stop pouring salt all over your salty ass food!
Also, try adding things like garlic salt and pre mixed salt n' pepa. There is salt in these products but because they start with another word they are caterogized differently.
Finally, accept yourself for who you are. And that is a person that loves the joyful salty flavors.
After careful reaimaginings of outcomes from youthful transgressions past I find the current crossroads equally terrifying but the edge of horror nullified by the long line of similar endevours entrenched in our experiental narratives iconography. A steady stream of unknowable variables delivering strange reaffirmations in the reaimaginning of unchangable actions and reactions, both equal in their effect. Cartoonish zombie holograms describe deep trouble.
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