Get off me pennies, dont lean on me. I am a dollar. Get it. See that photo? That is what the inside of my mind looks like. The inner city. It is a slum. Does that suprise you? It should not. It is not only me my friends. Of course our inner most minds are slums. That is the id, the desire factory. Poor people love things in great quanities, especially themselves. Crabs in a bucket love lots and lots of crabs, or worms, or hair bands, or rubber bands. I had an intention when I started writing this particular to post to have it be one that made sense. That seems to have died out. The first couple sentences of this post being only a few words long sort of changed the tone of my internal dialogue from one of great and reaching thoughts into one of clipped tones, which I guess is what I like interpret as a poetic mindstate. Is that a word, poetic? I guess so. Theres so many words. But you know how boring haikus seems long and interesting ones seem like movies? I always start my blogs in my mind a couple minutes before actually writing them and I always start with the title first. And when I am thinking of titles they never make sense and I always have fifteen or thirty different wants. I want to give you some examples of what i was planning to start this blog with but they have all flitted away forever? Yes, it does, because the universe is an infinite place and I dont need those stinking ideas back, I will get new better ideas and when they leave me too it will be cathartic. Does that mean that the one that bubbles to the top and dominates over the other titles as the dominant one is the best? No it does not, it only means it is the loudest and most staying. Most staying? Is that even a phrase? No, it is not.
Well this post is really coming along nicely. Its got sentences and questions and answers. I suppose that is all for the moment. And now some nice clipped poetry.
Only God Can Judge Me
Only Blog Can Move Me
Tupac is Masculine
Cats are Feline
I like to Roller Blade
All Along the Boardwalk
High Fade
Snoop Doggy C-Walk
Hooray the Boy Said, Hoooooooray I won Second Place in the Palace!
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