So it is and so it shall be, we meet again, Mr. Watson I presume. What's your problem. We'll see. I don't understand.
Don't you understand?
These are all excuses. And they are like buttholes. They are very much like buttholes and they are like armpits if the person is a quick thinker. They stink you see. They are also an inescapable part of us. Party bus. Particle Board. Just Bored. Bored Justice. Contaminated Despicable Particle.
Reprehensible, Indefensible Potential Pencil Necked Geek.
Really, what I want to say is Lebron; you're forgiven. Please don't be afraid to do your best. We can all live behind a white picket fence in the suburbs. We can all try. But those times are gone. Also, they never existed.
We are all sharks. They are all fish. The ocean is big. If it were made of beer, where would we piss? Nowhere is safe. Nowhere is the safest. Saudade para Pernambuco. Quiero voltar a Bahia. A praia. Eu Adoro viagem a praia.
Back to sharks, It all comes back to sharks. They are sea dragons. And sea horses, well they just look like sea dragons but they are much too small.
Where's my synergy? I would settle for some Syncopation. Or better yet, a little Synchronicity. Time you see, is chronos. Time eats its children. It is a passage. It is a tunnel. It is a boat. It is memory.
Gummy worms bag. Sugar high.
Summary: Maury/Deep thoughts in the ocean where the fish will Swim. Misanthrope/sycophant/maharishi