Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Bottom Pinchers

I will navigate away from this page. I will set up my office outside of this palace. I will see it, I will know it, I will own it. And me, I, this, we will all be away from the prying eye of the uncaring mind. Nudity now, clarity now, focused on and inside of the mind of a man that i created within my own brain. This is not who I am, this is who I am trying to be, this is unkown uknowns. So here we are, all unknowing why it is we laughed. This is an answer to an unkown question. There is so much left to be done. There is so much left to unveiled. On stage, in public, outwards always. Anyways, my hope now, today, is to be rich and tired and not at all famous. Reitred and full of ambition I will use tired digits to punch letters into a machine and make meaning from my experience here today, my ambition saddling me.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Future Value of Time

At some point in the future does the meaninglessness of the present moment become useful? I am investing my nothingness into something more valuable. Is there anything more valuable than time? Water? I dont know, we are mostly made of water, watery soup wandering the earth in search of meaning, slowly being slurped away by a young woman with a cold. Last night I Dreamed that I had bicycle, I was going on a bicycle ride and the chain slipped off the gears and I tried to put it back on the gear, but the chain was so big and clunky, and the tire so stuck to the ground that is was difficult. Also, the chain had hardly any grease at all, it operated almost from mechanical perfection. Then I dreamed that I was driving along an african street in the middle of the bush, the street was jet black and we were in a congo van. There were many people along the sides of the road, they were vendors. As we went further along the road, further into the heart of the bush the people had lighter and lighter skin until eventually they were Arabs. We got out of the van, Gloria and I, and we walked aroudn the different little tents. There was a feeling of hostility in the air until eventually we found our way into a little toy shop run by a friendly white woman. There were many different toys there but they were all variations on war toys. Lots of plastic guns, a lego tank and some helicopters. I devised a wonderful and viscious battle in my mind and woke up before I realized it.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hairy Ball Theorem

You cant comb the hair on a coconut. Why would you try. Why would you ask that. Why would answer my question with a question. Are you questioning my question. Dont you even listen to me. Can that be an answer. Cant you understand. Stop combin that goddamn coconut! Consciousness, Dr. Tononi says, is nothing more than integrated information.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Back in Black

Days, there are so many kinds, types and typifiers. Pain, there are also gradients of. But in my opinion, from a birds eye view things tend to be in a state of improvement, however from a grounds eye view things tend to devolve over a period of time. That is to say, you struggle today to next week things will be better. And this is the best attitude to take when you are accepting that life is pain, dull and unrelenting. However, what is to be said of those days that are typified by the sense 'its one of those', just another day, another thought, more recycled cat food to throw up in my mouth and swallow for dinner again. Squiched trains and sardine people. The daily commute, like cows. Do cows hate each other? Are they fundamentally greedy? Preying on the weak and the downtrodden, praised when the plot is succesful and the people are fleeced into breeding a version of success that can be easily accounted and quantified. No one. Not even me, is good.
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Please. Lets all take this moment to fully acknowledge and consume the idea that we are all equally not at fault. Its not my fault and its not yours, nor even is it the fault of the third party. I may hate the third party, but still it is not her fault. No, there is no fault, and no work other than that of overcoming the human condition of assigning blame to things, persons, or objects. We are all perfectly buoyant, floating through life until we are no longer. The assignment of blame is a wieght on us. At first a ballast, but eventually our downfall. So let us all let it go. Eat candy, fart, stink up your space and move on. Fuck it.
Eastern Thoughts

I believe, as of today and this instant that my existense proves nothing. No Descartes, you can suck my balls. Because that affirmation of life, of existance is both abstract and macabre. It takes my existence into a place of complacence. I feel sick from it. No, I choose to feel that my existence proves nothing, and simultaneously that my existence is not unique from the phenomenon that surrounds me. I may be observed by beings I recognize as separate from myself, hear thier obersvations and gestate them, but that does not necessarily make me a separate entity from them and consequently that does not prove beyond any doubt that my existence, evidenced solely by recognition in truth of the comments and reactions affected by my surroundings, is meaningful. And please be clear, that to comment that 'I am', that my existence is asserted is a meaningful statement. I choose, in a certain mood or when it may be more advantageous, to believe that I do exist as a separate and awesome being affecting my surroundings in a definite and intentional manner. However in my most base moments I choose to recognize or contemplate not my existence at all, so that when I come to a negative conclusion that the contemplation of my own existence is proof of a thing in and of itself, I wont be fooled into feeling that this affirmation is inspirational or useful in guiding myself to a happier or more peaceful state of being.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A Finite Intelligence

So its come to this. Procrastinating my day away, not for the purpose of money so pure and simple as that. No, rather for knowledge. To chase a rabbit down a hole to a world that is intellegent. Where I am celebrated. Maybe not as a god but as some sort of sports hero, or something similarly reasonable, maybe an astronaut. We all can see around us, as clear as day, that no one here is happy. There does not seem to be an escape from it either. Could we ever see each other as equals? Could I even ever understand in another person the uniquely human traits that keep me so alienated. The letter K, it will be more important to you than any other letter. It means, 'I am with it, I submit, the system moves me I dont move the system'. But Believe in yourself! Keep the push alive, from inside. Ride it, like a pony. You're a pony, I'm a pony. We are all magical pony's. We have little hooves and long manes. You and I and we all. We are all so happy in pony land. Hahaha, yes, this is it. Escapism. New years, both jewish and korean. We are all the biggest users of oil and coal, united in our polyglot of consumption. That used to be a disease, now it is a socialogical disorder. That seems to be more impossible to cure. But then again, aren't we all equally impossible. I know you are, so am I.
Friday, August 27, 2010
This Memory

This memory is a memory of a memory. And that memory itself, is nothing but a memory of another one. Each memory is an experience in and of itself and each experience becames less sharp and less heavy until the feeling and effect of the original tangible experience is nothing but an abstract narrative of our own tendency towards self gratification and the strange channels that our brains grow to prefer resulting from thier environmental inputs. But you know that. And I know that. And I know that you know that I know that.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I in Box

I live my life inside. I live inside myself and I keep myself inside. And I will never ever stop this. There will never be an out of doors for me. Becuase in order for there to be an out of doors, there must be a door to go out of. And the closing of that door only begins the search for another door, to know what is on the other side of that door, and to shut myself inside it. Born in a door jam. That is why for me the weather is a diversion. That is why rain and sun and wind are all of the same novelty, not actually effecting my daily life in any way. The weather can no longer make me sick or influence my mood. It is only a detail, an interesting feature of a day that is defined by the steady beat of work, play, sleep. The balance is so perfect and so infallable that even mother natures punishing sluice from the sky cannot dissuade me from my lazer like focus on the quickest possible passage of time in the first part of my day, the maximum possible enjoyment of the second part of my day, and the total oblivion to the meaning and cause of the third part of my day. There is no weather inside an ant colony, so that is where this must be. That is where I am living. An ant colony without a Queen. Because I am she, she is I. And when I die they will put me in a box and bury me inside, under the dirt.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Scenario, Brainwise (A Highly Fancy Screenplay)
Sticklebell- I pose this question to you, what if you were to not take a trip to the toilet daily and deposit a big load of poop inside?
Trickleberg - Hohoho, Sticklebell, what a ball tickler of a question you have posed to me! And indeed, my balls are tingling right now, at this very moment. Well, my silly little goose dog, let me answer your question in the most thorough and forceful way possible. I shall answer thusly, Sticklebell, I have thought of this question on many an occasion, perhaps whilst sipping on a daquire or some other such fruitcake drink. And I thought to myself 'I need to drop a pooper in the toilet, but I thinks I should rather not.' And you know what ultimatley caused me to unclench my buttocks and let loose the caboose juice? The question that ultimately has stumped even god himself. When one is constipated, where does the poop go? Back up and out? Eventually sure, but where is it now? It is both in my tummy, yet not going out the poop shoot and into the toilet. Are you in my tummy poop? No, because even the constipated love to eat and everybody knows that eating is motivated by the emptiness of the tummy area.
Sticklebell - Hardy har har Trickleberg, this is laughter coming out of my mouth and kissing your ears. The questions you claim to have posed to yourself is nothing but a childs fancy ice cream cone dropped on the ground. And the crying that the child bequethes unto his mother and her friends, all watching now. What an evil, horrible little child to cry like this for he causes his dear mother to example the old 5 second rule. Wherein she gets down on her knees and laps up from the concrete all the gritty little ice cream droplets for the appeasement of her childs temper. While it may seem grotesque to a plebe like yourself, the basis for this eating is in direct contradiction to your flabby hypothesis. For this mother, like you, eats out of heart motivations. Now look at your paunchy fingers. You eat for emotional reasons
Trickleberg - Oh Lord, oh god I do, boohoohoohoo
Sticklebell - Good, good, yes Trickleberg let it all out for daddy. That is a good little piggy, cry your alligator tears for the world to see. This has been a big day for both of us. I have beaten leukemia with prayer and you have admitted, for the first time in your little piggy life that you eat out of emotion. Let us libate!
Trickleberg - A big day indeed.
Sticklebell - A toast, to my best friend in the world!
Both - Cheers
Trickleberg - Hohoho, Sticklebell, what a ball tickler of a question you have posed to me! And indeed, my balls are tingling right now, at this very moment. Well, my silly little goose dog, let me answer your question in the most thorough and forceful way possible. I shall answer thusly, Sticklebell, I have thought of this question on many an occasion, perhaps whilst sipping on a daquire or some other such fruitcake drink. And I thought to myself 'I need to drop a pooper in the toilet, but I thinks I should rather not.' And you know what ultimatley caused me to unclench my buttocks and let loose the caboose juice? The question that ultimately has stumped even god himself. When one is constipated, where does the poop go? Back up and out? Eventually sure, but where is it now? It is both in my tummy, yet not going out the poop shoot and into the toilet. Are you in my tummy poop? No, because even the constipated love to eat and everybody knows that eating is motivated by the emptiness of the tummy area.
Sticklebell - Hardy har har Trickleberg, this is laughter coming out of my mouth and kissing your ears. The questions you claim to have posed to yourself is nothing but a childs fancy ice cream cone dropped on the ground. And the crying that the child bequethes unto his mother and her friends, all watching now. What an evil, horrible little child to cry like this for he causes his dear mother to example the old 5 second rule. Wherein she gets down on her knees and laps up from the concrete all the gritty little ice cream droplets for the appeasement of her childs temper. While it may seem grotesque to a plebe like yourself, the basis for this eating is in direct contradiction to your flabby hypothesis. For this mother, like you, eats out of heart motivations. Now look at your paunchy fingers. You eat for emotional reasons
Trickleberg - Oh Lord, oh god I do, boohoohoohoo
Sticklebell - Good, good, yes Trickleberg let it all out for daddy. That is a good little piggy, cry your alligator tears for the world to see. This has been a big day for both of us. I have beaten leukemia with prayer and you have admitted, for the first time in your little piggy life that you eat out of emotion. Let us libate!
Trickleberg - A big day indeed.
Sticklebell - A toast, to my best friend in the world!
Both - Cheers
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

People say mind over matter, well I've always been of the opinion that its all about the spine over bladder. You do. What if Rick Ross was capable of putting together a story rap? The sound of Seattle is hip hop? Fuck outta here. Seattle has a sound already, and if it died it wasn't to be replaced by the sound of another place and time. The BX in the 70's, a place I've never been, I will never be. The past, very very long time ago.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Soft Skull Pudding Head

This is the place where I put down my thoughts. The thought box. The place the think outside of the tabs and margins, where there are no errors. Rhymes inside of rhymes. A triple bypass, having it on your heart. All these thoughts and all this time. The idea that even though things are ok the way they are now they would be ok if they were not this way in the future. But knowing the way things are now, knowing that things are a certain and specific way is what makes the now now and what scares us. What makes us edgy when thinking about the future is all the blank space between now and then that we must live in order to reach the place where things would be ok even if they weren't they way they are now. That is the passage of time, the life, markers on a log or rock or some such trifle. The good times always come at the end of the long hot sticky times that you thought were supposed to be good. In the cycle of time I am constantly misplacing and misappropriating the things that I recall as happy. I am lowering my expectations constantly in an ever escalating battle to find true happiness in the mundane routines and underappreciated overlooked banality of a self indlugent and self admittely uninspiring unimportant individual. This is fueled by drugs, the drug of sugar. And I do know about addiction. My grandparents were addicted to drinking alcohol, my father is addicted to work, myself, I am constantly in delivery.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Sweet Poop or A Beautiful Night Poop

Where to begin, and wher not to begin. Long stringy thoughts with dental floss in them. There is no begining, there will be no end. Whats in store for me? Is there such a thing as wrong number? How can this be, if there is a wrong number then it undermines the nobility of the entire system of counting. No, there are combinations that are unintentional. Wow! That was hard to say, I'm impressed. Good job me. But no, we cant go down this road. The only route to freedom is suppression of the ego. Oh the infinite blessings of low expectations! Infinite I say! To hell with happiness and its inherent fleeting nature. No, I never yearned for that, burned, turned or learned that. I made my way through the streets, through the life by expecting nothing. And what a blessing it is to be int he game, to even be in the discussion. To have a surplus, to maybe even be able to house my friends, help the strangers in the world. Thank you god! Thank you big baby jesus! I dont want anything more. I could stop now and spend the rest of my mortal coil unwinding on the blessings alreayd bestowed upon me! Is anyone reading this? If they were would they treat me so poorly? Pull on my thong. I dont need to live anywhere in relation to anyone, all things are relative except my only friends, those in my head, who are not related even to each other, much less to me, blasphemer.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Wide World of Oil

Where does my support come from. I dont mean who, I mean when. I mean where, I mean where the hell am I? Is this the inside of my brain. Probably inside and a little bit to the left, because the right ear is plugged up pretty good. My right ear, the right ear, Righty! Receipts and expenses and nonsense. Progress, the passage of time, settling down, inertia, an original thought, somewhere in there. Bytes, sounds bites, food bites. Sources, good sources, news sources. Anyways, its today so I guess I'm just going to half ass this nonsense. I suppose that we're all looking forward to the moment of release and then the gradual recoiling dread that will power us through the next round of demorilization and depression. Its raining out! Money, liability, my job. Hobnobbing with the bobs. When are you going to accept that. Is insufficience ever acceptable. Will I ever have a sense of the value of a dollar. I wonder if I am ever going to be a rich hippy, playing my guitar while I sit on the ground in filth, at a commune party with two gay guys from new york being reprimmanded for making fun of me. The first of the line tied to a tree and the last of the line being eaten by ants. Thats interesting imagery isnt it. One imagines a string leading from an ant hill to a tree. An ant highway, the natural enemy oh man. I'll see you in hell, 170,000 geese. Suck my balls geese, suck my balls ants. I'm not going to make any promises, especially not with my money. But, if you do this for me and let me work from home I promise I will be just a little bit happier, even though I know the misery never ends. Never ever forever eva.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Jadakiss - club something
I dream of oppulence
and awake ashamed
not for how far I am
from the source of my vision
but for the lack of depth
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Le Douche
Ballet! from Ryan Enn Hughes on Vimeo.
The winding blinding malaise of these, the salad days. Soon to be dog and later forgone in the pleasures of learned silence. Unending wants, unquenched. Banana tree writing. The plantation was based not on any realy fruit growing empire, nor in my opinion on the republic, which is an often invoked metaphor, but instead on the tumors that grow quickly on society. Tumors like money and tumors like processed and refined sugars. I would like to own a refinery. Any type of refinery would be fine with me. A sugar refinery, beet sugar that is, or perhaps a pencil refinery, or a nun refinery, or a finance refinery, or a real estate refinery. The only refinery I would never own would be a whale meat refinery. In my opinion it is self evident that whales should not be eaten by people. I believe sharks were created by the whale industry to serve as intermediarys and illustrate the order of eating to those humans who participate in the whaling industry. But of course mankind being the voracious on nonsensical set of individuals we are, came to eat sharks as well. This is disgusting. Not the eating, but the killing.
I am struggling to be productive. Loosely hanging onto my sanity. Wondering in my mind why it is I want to be 'banked up', 'papered out' or 'pocket fat'. Why does that matter to me, am I a Douche? Is this even possible? And if so, at what point will I become snide and arrogant? Already you say? Too late you say?! Oh my, then I suppose there is nothing to be done but over eat and bliss out in the never ending infinitely updated much of the internet universe. I suppose if I even attempted to break out of this cyclical time sump I would burn out in an instant at the horror of what I have become.
But what of my project? What of the me project and the you project? And Africa, I've never even been there! But if I am a douche, and I suppose you would like it if I went with that premise, would you not? If I am douche, and I am full of shit {this claim I wont begin to disclaim because even as I type the claim becomes mor valid} Then is it not only logical that I must be a douche bag, full of shit? And if indeed the perameters of my being are the walls of the douche and inner contents of my being are the shit that fills my bag, then isn't it necessarily true, to avoid the self fulfilling prophecy, that the shit that I am full of is not my own? Of course its not my own? How can one shit into ones own self? One cant! So it must be the shit of another, or rather was the shit of another until it came to constitute the essence of my inner being. Would I be remiss friends, in surmising that it is the shit of none other than one, Big J in the Sky, GOD? Well, regardles of the accuracy, you can see that the claim only furthers validates the hypothesis that I am indeed a douche bag that is full of shit. As for who's shit it was before it became me, I can only surmise, as I have no proper claim to search out the previous owner of a never ending cycle of eating, pooping and populating. Only god can judge me, only god.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
My Religion, My God

My god is a robot in a man suit, he appears in my refelction exactly 50% of the time I look in the mirror and never when I look into a still pond. Ducks in the pond. People in the wrong. Palm fronds and slow songs. Going back to college, the genius pond. Going back to the aquarium, the library, the book ocean. The word river, the comma donwnpour. I keep it this way to keep you up to date. Up on the things you cant tell from not seeing me. The negative space. The negativity. The cavities and gravity of the situation. Good, natural, indian teeth. The make sharp tampons, floaty boats, four walls on this boat here boy, and a sexy engine. Do you have time? Does anyone have time for herion, have time for weed, have time for drugs. So lets all go into technicolor debt and fall down the well, well well of smell. Lets take an acid trip, an acip road trip to Philly. Lets meet in the bedroom. Lets do the bedroom things. Lets all light up the room with our smile, the whole little while. Drippings from my mind pen. Weak metaphors, tricky movies, no cohesive thoughts. Culpability. Prosecute these NUTS motherfucker. Murder was the case they gave my nuts. Its hot side these nuts. I like to go swimming in the lake and nuts off with a towel. Nuts.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Submarines In the Jungle

Its time to remind your mind why it is you survive, reach deep down and thrive. its hard to say though, what the technique is. Film school or music music. Hard to say. Where will I be supreme? Where will I be better accpeted. Better to not know, better never to be recieved at all. Oh silly questions, silly need for approval, silly future so uncertain. Anyways, every Monday morning I reach deep down inside and grab ahold of the strength I need to mope my ass into work. Always all out, always trying hard, my head always weighs 600 pounds and tells the truth. I try to always tell the truth because thats what makes the most sense to me, I have faced the demon and batted his ass out the park. Gangsters aren't men, necessarily, not the responsible type anyways. And I without worldly knowledge am little more or less. How flattering to think of myself as a nine to five person. My production, my technique. Brutal boredom, Banana plantation.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
To Sleep

Don't cause your own downfall. Your hubris will be the death of you, and your believers will meet their own demise in the shadows of your crushed ego. How many times does 132 go into 100. How many times must I say it, there is no percentage to truth, no fraction and no function. The truth be told, is functionless, ineffective and unproductive. It motivates no one, it sleeps naked. I would encourage you however to be more open minded and less driven by the time constraints of you mortal body. Your mortal time on earth should not be spent screaming into the night. Compaining about your fellow man or keeping your mouth shut when the times are tough. Talk, man, Be real, keep it real, be social, keep it social. Be as unfit as you want to be but dont forget that our well being is as shocking to others as their existence is to themselves. Be powerful but undaunted. I will see you in your childrens dreams.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
A Man On Drugs

We all have anxiety. Sometimes when I take a shower I am anxious I might slip and fall and bloody myself, which would completely negate the cleaning properties of showering. In this way the anxiety I feel about everyday life is less a state of confused nervousness than a statement on the meaninglessness of life. I don't necessarily fear the slipping in the shower as much as I fear that by bloodying myself I would have wasted my time in the shower. And such it is with life. I don't fear the retribution of enemies as much as I fear my own cowardice in the face of aggressive friendship, slipping into old habits and regressing. So what can one do? Are drugs ever an answer or is the temporary relief from the pressure of daily life to advance and grow always negated by the hangover and the yearning for a return to that inebriated state. You knew it was fake when you were in it, so why does the return to reality feel so crushing? I think I need to scuba dive, that's real pressure. I doubt the pressures that I feel in this highly fales environment are comparable to the weight of thousnads of cubic feet or turbid water pressing down on every inch of my person. Imagine being a bat ray or a mooray eel. Anyways, life is a drug and if I took the same attitude of determined examination to my state of being while under the influence of mind altering agents to the completely morose normalcy of sitting on my ass in front of a computer avoiding studying for an important test I may learn something important about the nature of being alive. Goddamnit I wish there was sauce in this seltzer water.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Whatever After

Bumping shoulders is the beginning of the home court advantage. A nameless event that stuns everyone. Let me re analyze an old bit. Let me dig a little bit deeper here. Do the work, until I am tired, until there is nothing left. That is the standard that I hold myself to. That is what I believe in. Funniness is only funny once. Don't ask me to laugh at that, please don't ask me to laugh at that harsh humor two times. That is sad. This is sad. I am sad. Be me then. Be it then. Yell when you dunk. Be a giant. A giant among giants. Make fun of history. Be the quickest. The is one name, one name that is famous at one time but only one time at a time. Spiralling out og control. What is it that you do again. What is it that you are making fun of. How long does it take to catch up to what you dont understand. Especially in the event that you don't truly understand what it is that you are undertaking. There is spanish in the air. The language and the culture and the cultural off shoots of the language. That is nothing. So don't look, its not important. It is me. I am afraid of being found out so I dive in deep and bury myself in these sheets and pillows. I make myself a fort of works and sentences and nonsense as well.
An athlete, according to the dream dictionary that I have consulted on the internet. Is an individual who emobies memorable and acknowledgable accomplishments. An athletes accomplishments are easily measured and patently obvious. But I prefer not to use the term 'patently' and I loathe the term 'obvious'. Obvious is a cop out, it does not lead to flow, it is the end of a thought, a conclusion and a conclusion that never bothered to include anyones opinion but its own. Obvious can suck my balls. This has really been a pathetic writing performance. No one is performing well. Allow me to digress, there are so many people that are eager to jumpp around in their thoughts. The traditions that build up around the things we think are important and are obviously not. Bad question magic.
A family moment, provided to you by greed. The oil spill. This is a nice night. In the future it may be raining on the night of the NBA finals because of the events happening in the gulf of mexico. Or it might snow.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Long Damaging Weeks

Weeks alone, weeks in pain. A week of being taken advantage of. A week of kindness. A week of toughness. Weeks and weeks and weeks here in the dimming light. The light before the light arrives. Angry light and flourescent light for weeks. Weeks staring at myself in the mirror. Weeks avoiding myself. Weeks afraid. Annoying weeks. Hateful weeks. Impossible weeks making the coming weeks impossible. You can't live by weeks. You live by months and next month is mine.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Case Of The Poop Calling The Fart Stinky
people have all the luck and sometimes those are the same people who have no luck at all. Lets try to remember that luck comes in two flavors, namely root beer and poop beer. For the most part people seem to think that beer is beer, but let me tell you one thing. Poop beer is beer only in name, in reality it is carbonated diarhea. Get your money, make your dollars and keep on getting it in. Do what you want to do. And if that makes me feel a certain way then you did that.
A Case Of The Poop Calling The Fart Stinky
A Case Of The Poop Calling The Fart Stinky
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In the future all of our photos will move back and forth. They will also all be crazy as shit and not make any sense. In the future my hair will be long and luxurious (lugrius) and wave to and fro. But it wont be an afro, or even a wafro or jewfro, it will be locks, trust me. But that is what I used to have. Can any one be ready to be what they used to be?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Haiti Vs. Oil Spill

The season has not changed in NYC. Drizzle and rain and gloom. And in the world outisde of NYC (what world? haha) there have been two big fat tragedies. 1) Haiti: Big fucking earthquake fucks up the poverty cycle, hurts people who were already hurting, have no way to heal themselves. Poor as dirt, eat dirt. Nature fucks the fucked people. 2) Oil Spill: Capitalist venture goes cheap on safety measures. There is a mistake and 11 lives are lost and the regional environment is completely destroyed. Unprecendented type of ruination, cannot be rebuilt from, cannot be stopped. Which is worse; The tragedy of the poorest humans being molested by nature, or the richest of mankind ruining nature in their pursuit of further riches?
They are both, humans and nature are bad, we will destroy each other. Man kind will destroy nature because mankind cannot appreciate nature. Does nature not appreciate mankind?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
How I Sleep
I shall sleep in a big pile of money. I don’t mean coins and I don’t mean dollar bills. I mean real denominations, not even necessarily US dollars but certainly not any currency that’s less stable, so we’re talking pounds and euro’s here. And those shall not be in the form of ones, but in the form of fives and tens, twenty’s even. That is the softest bed I can imagine. That would be the greatest nights rest any man has ever known. I would lie in that bed day in and day out, I would lie in that bed until I got bed sores but of course they wouldn’t be bed sores, they would be returns on investing my ass into the sitting position. I would never spend my bed. I would never invest my bed in anything other than sleep. I would not need pillows or a blanket in such a bed, I would merely burrow further and further into my pile of money until I found the perfect spot that contoured to my body and warmed me all over. No buzzing from my alarm clock could ever reach me in such a bed as this. I think it is my right to live in such a bed. It would be exciting.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Rat in Our Vicinity!
I was taking the V train to west 4th after work because I am doing tennis pick-up in the village.
I opened my new Sherman Alexi book Flight and I was reading it diligently. Then the whole story arc changed and it was difficult to understand so I looked away from the page to let the story shift process.
The train was pretty sparsely populated and across from me a skinny older black lady was sitting in her purple sundress listening to an ipod and reading a magazine. I looked down at her legs and there was a black canvas bag.
Then out of the corner of my eye there was movement and my eye tracked it. It was a huge fucking rat! And it was scuttling along the wall of the train car, across the train and then underneath her seat. And then he must've sniffed something nice inside the black bag and he ever so delicately weaved between her legs and pulled down the side of the bag and climbed right in. He stayed in there, rustling around.
We got to my stop and I battled with what to say, if anything, without causing panic. Luckily the woman was getting up too. She was folding her magazine and going to pick up her bag. I held my hand to her in a 'stop don't way' and said 'ma'am theres a rat in your bag'.
Her look was at first disbelief and then when she looked down and saw her bag moving and bustling there was understanding. She rushed up and batted at her bag, once twice and thrice with her magazine. The bag rustled. The doors were open and people were waiting to get on but hesitating, sensing a scene, and out popped ratty!
The whole platform exploded in excitement. Ratty scurried along down the car and people poured out of the train. I walked along next to the woman and said the first not unkind thing that came to me. "I didn't know if he was your pet, I just wanted to make sure." She smiled meekly and went up the stairs, I kept walking down the platform.
What if it was her pet? What if she was embarrassed and now she and ratty are forever separated. Oh well, there will be other rats.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Competition in the Work

I am a part time dislexic
a full time usslah
but I can't be poor
you see, friends, I want to
help them and help myself
Trying to keep it as real
as I can man
so the question remains
debit or credit
two cats in a room
full of hungry rats
are they friends
or food for the rats
thats how we all feel
like a rat at times
and like a lonely cat
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Warrior Mamba

another day another housing crisis
I am noticing that everything I do
is a mixture of dance and power
Grace, c'mon and save me girl
Not at all a good Thursday
in fact a stupid fucking Thursday
Nothing feels good after christmas
not even early spring showers
not even late spring showers
nothing, nothing at all, the
existential type of nothing that
makes college students feel somewhat
less horny and self apologetic
I really need to save money and that
shall come at your expense, brother
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Dear Lebron (Cockiness and Snottiness)
I guees you think you're your special. Oh, you play a little basketball. Oh wow, geez, you can dunk the basketball. Holy gosh in the butt, you can slam dunk the basketball into the basketball hole with both hands on the basketball. What about the kids in China Lebron?! I have never seen such complete disrespect to the basketball hoop and you know who made that basketball hoop. Little kids in China probably! You couldn't be a more self centered piggy. I wish you and you're ego the best of luck in these playoffs, but if I catch you disrespecting the basketball rim like that again you can stop expecting a nice christmas card from me.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Deeper Than a Navy SEAL

nobody can tell the future, furthermore all things must come to an end. Therefore happiness, which is defined by its spontaneity and infrequency, is resignation. Resignation is acceptance of the inevitable with the flexibility to ensure common instances of new and unique experiences. On the other hand, happiness is a complex that is compulsively sought out and exploited by the human condition. Becuase the state is inherently unsustainable it is frustrating and unthinkable to seek happiness in concurent instances, becuase for happiness to occur in earnest it must immediately follow and end in unhappiness.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
its so pitiful
Im so pivotal
crackers is sensitive cause they moms was over critical
Not me though, Im so well made
like a taylored suit
or a bentley coupe
you a gaylord duke
if you cause me trouble
i will trouble shoot you
swoop in on your girl
she's got a double scoop bubble
ruffer than rubble
rugged and raw
layed down the law
Thursday, April 8, 2010
RIP Kurt Cobain

Today as I rode the train into work I listened to Nirvana Unplugged in New York. Its such an amazing album, they were such a great group and Kurt in particular was a singularly talented artist. The music is simple and appealing but so fucking far ahead of its time that you still can't touch the shit with ten foot pole. It changed my morning, changed my whole mood. The train got stuck and my connecting train was late and it didn't even matter. I remember when I first downloaded that album. I was staying with my friend, couchsurfing and trying to find a way to make it in New York as a transplant from Seattle. I was jobless and chilling in her kitchen, dicking around and semi seriously thinking about emailing some resumes to job postings on craigslist. Instead I found this album sitting somewhere on shelf and plugged it into my computer. I can recall remarking to my host when she got back from work how impressed I was with the album after giving it a first listen. 'Yeah' she remarked, no fucking duh, I realized.
Listening to the album today on the train I wondered how old I was when Kurt took his own life, because I don't have any specific memories of the event. Although my dad was hired as the cabinet designer when the new residents moved into his old house. When I looked up the date on my phone, making copies in the copy room alone, I found that today in fact marks the 16th anniversary to Kurt's death. How's that for a motherfucking synchronism. 16 years we've missed him. Today its fuckin' justin beiber.
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