Its time to remind your mind why it is you survive, reach deep down and thrive. its hard to say though, what the technique is. Film school or music music. Hard to say. Where will I be supreme? Where will I be better accpeted. Better to not know, better never to be recieved at all. Oh silly questions, silly need for approval, silly future so uncertain. Anyways, every Monday morning I reach deep down inside and grab ahold of the strength I need to mope my ass into work. Always all out, always trying hard, my head always weighs 600 pounds and tells the truth. I try to always tell the truth because thats what makes the most sense to me, I have faced the demon and batted his ass out the park. Gangsters aren't men, necessarily, not the responsible type anyways. And I without worldly knowledge am little more or less. How flattering to think of myself as a nine to five person. My production, my technique. Brutal boredom, Banana plantation.
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