So its come to this. Procrastinating my day away, not for the purpose of money so pure and simple as that. No, rather for knowledge. To chase a rabbit down a hole to a world that is intellegent. Where I am celebrated. Maybe not as a god but as some sort of sports hero, or something similarly reasonable, maybe an astronaut. We all can see around us, as clear as day, that no one here is happy. There does not seem to be an escape from it either. Could we ever see each other as equals? Could I even ever understand in another person the uniquely human traits that keep me so alienated. The letter K, it will be more important to you than any other letter. It means, 'I am with it, I submit, the system moves me I dont move the system'. But Believe in yourself! Keep the push alive, from inside. Ride it, like a pony. You're a pony, I'm a pony. We are all magical pony's. We have little hooves and long manes. You and I and we all. We are all so happy in pony land. Hahaha, yes, this is it. Escapism. New years, both jewish and korean. We are all the biggest users of oil and coal, united in our polyglot of consumption. That used to be a disease, now it is a socialogical disorder. That seems to be more impossible to cure. But then again, aren't we all equally impossible. I know you are, so am I.
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