Days, there are so many kinds, types and typifiers. Pain, there are also gradients of. But in my opinion, from a birds eye view things tend to be in a state of improvement, however from a grounds eye view things tend to devolve over a period of time. That is to say, you struggle today to next week things will be better. And this is the best attitude to take when you are accepting that life is pain, dull and unrelenting. However, what is to be said of those days that are typified by the sense 'its one of those', just another day, another thought, more recycled cat food to throw up in my mouth and swallow for dinner again. Squiched trains and sardine people. The daily commute, like cows. Do cows hate each other? Are they fundamentally greedy? Preying on the weak and the downtrodden, praised when the plot is succesful and the people are fleeced into breeding a version of success that can be easily accounted and quantified. No one. Not even me, is good.
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