Thursday, December 17, 2009

R U the Veternarian?

I'm one up by the bootstraps
myself pickin up motherfucker
Not a conservative, not even liberal
A mountaineer, a pioneer
A tiny field mouse shoplifting shafts of wheat
See this empty beer
that means I'm in a wierd mood
The hand rolled cigarette
Old timey movies
based on Odysseus
My Odyssey
My God it's Me

There are in the world so few places a man can breath. And I mean really breath. Deep breathes that woosh the air around him. Lungs rich, bonus air, alveoli blue with joy. So everyman is beholden to his hunger, no free will.
But where is the place a man cannot breath, or can only breath little breathes?
It is prison my friends, it is hell, it is a penintentiary.
And what does one wear in prison: Orange!
And where is breathing most limited?

I do not say impossible because clearly breathing is most impossible in space.

For this reason my friends I propose a law be instated that all submarines be painted orange.
Some may some this legislation is only for the birds
and there are other more important issues to law make.
Scuba fin length for instance.
But this is my world muthafucka, and I'ma take the world and drop it on ya fuckin head.
All in agreement: chu'ch

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