Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Wide World of Oil

Where does my support come from. I dont mean who, I mean when. I mean where, I mean where the hell am I? Is this the inside of my brain. Probably inside and a little bit to the left, because the right ear is plugged up pretty good. My right ear, the right ear, Righty! Receipts and expenses and nonsense. Progress, the passage of time, settling down, inertia, an original thought, somewhere in there. Bytes, sounds bites, food bites. Sources, good sources, news sources. Anyways, its today so I guess I'm just going to half ass this nonsense. I suppose that we're all looking forward to the moment of release and then the gradual recoiling dread that will power us through the next round of demorilization and depression. Its raining out! Money, liability, my job. Hobnobbing with the bobs. When are you going to accept that. Is insufficience ever acceptable. Will I ever have a sense of the value of a dollar. I wonder if I am ever going to be a rich hippy, playing my guitar while I sit on the ground in filth, at a commune party with two gay guys from new york being reprimmanded for making fun of me. The first of the line tied to a tree and the last of the line being eaten by ants. Thats interesting imagery isnt it. One imagines a string leading from an ant hill to a tree. An ant highway, the natural enemy oh man. I'll see you in hell, 170,000 geese. Suck my balls geese, suck my balls ants. I'm not going to make any promises, especially not with my money. But, if you do this for me and let me work from home I promise I will be just a little bit happier, even though I know the misery never ends. Never ever forever eva.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Jadakiss - club something
I dream of oppulence
and awake ashamed
not for how far I am
from the source of my vision
but for the lack of depth
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Le Douche
Ballet! from Ryan Enn Hughes on Vimeo.
The winding blinding malaise of these, the salad days. Soon to be dog and later forgone in the pleasures of learned silence. Unending wants, unquenched. Banana tree writing. The plantation was based not on any realy fruit growing empire, nor in my opinion on the republic, which is an often invoked metaphor, but instead on the tumors that grow quickly on society. Tumors like money and tumors like processed and refined sugars. I would like to own a refinery. Any type of refinery would be fine with me. A sugar refinery, beet sugar that is, or perhaps a pencil refinery, or a nun refinery, or a finance refinery, or a real estate refinery. The only refinery I would never own would be a whale meat refinery. In my opinion it is self evident that whales should not be eaten by people. I believe sharks were created by the whale industry to serve as intermediarys and illustrate the order of eating to those humans who participate in the whaling industry. But of course mankind being the voracious on nonsensical set of individuals we are, came to eat sharks as well. This is disgusting. Not the eating, but the killing.
I am struggling to be productive. Loosely hanging onto my sanity. Wondering in my mind why it is I want to be 'banked up', 'papered out' or 'pocket fat'. Why does that matter to me, am I a Douche? Is this even possible? And if so, at what point will I become snide and arrogant? Already you say? Too late you say?! Oh my, then I suppose there is nothing to be done but over eat and bliss out in the never ending infinitely updated much of the internet universe. I suppose if I even attempted to break out of this cyclical time sump I would burn out in an instant at the horror of what I have become.
But what of my project? What of the me project and the you project? And Africa, I've never even been there! But if I am a douche, and I suppose you would like it if I went with that premise, would you not? If I am douche, and I am full of shit {this claim I wont begin to disclaim because even as I type the claim becomes mor valid} Then is it not only logical that I must be a douche bag, full of shit? And if indeed the perameters of my being are the walls of the douche and inner contents of my being are the shit that fills my bag, then isn't it necessarily true, to avoid the self fulfilling prophecy, that the shit that I am full of is not my own? Of course its not my own? How can one shit into ones own self? One cant! So it must be the shit of another, or rather was the shit of another until it came to constitute the essence of my inner being. Would I be remiss friends, in surmising that it is the shit of none other than one, Big J in the Sky, GOD? Well, regardles of the accuracy, you can see that the claim only furthers validates the hypothesis that I am indeed a douche bag that is full of shit. As for who's shit it was before it became me, I can only surmise, as I have no proper claim to search out the previous owner of a never ending cycle of eating, pooping and populating. Only god can judge me, only god.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
My Religion, My God

My god is a robot in a man suit, he appears in my refelction exactly 50% of the time I look in the mirror and never when I look into a still pond. Ducks in the pond. People in the wrong. Palm fronds and slow songs. Going back to college, the genius pond. Going back to the aquarium, the library, the book ocean. The word river, the comma donwnpour. I keep it this way to keep you up to date. Up on the things you cant tell from not seeing me. The negative space. The negativity. The cavities and gravity of the situation. Good, natural, indian teeth. The make sharp tampons, floaty boats, four walls on this boat here boy, and a sexy engine. Do you have time? Does anyone have time for herion, have time for weed, have time for drugs. So lets all go into technicolor debt and fall down the well, well well of smell. Lets take an acid trip, an acip road trip to Philly. Lets meet in the bedroom. Lets do the bedroom things. Lets all light up the room with our smile, the whole little while. Drippings from my mind pen. Weak metaphors, tricky movies, no cohesive thoughts. Culpability. Prosecute these NUTS motherfucker. Murder was the case they gave my nuts. Its hot side these nuts. I like to go swimming in the lake and nuts off with a towel. Nuts.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Submarines In the Jungle

Its time to remind your mind why it is you survive, reach deep down and thrive. its hard to say though, what the technique is. Film school or music music. Hard to say. Where will I be supreme? Where will I be better accpeted. Better to not know, better never to be recieved at all. Oh silly questions, silly need for approval, silly future so uncertain. Anyways, every Monday morning I reach deep down inside and grab ahold of the strength I need to mope my ass into work. Always all out, always trying hard, my head always weighs 600 pounds and tells the truth. I try to always tell the truth because thats what makes the most sense to me, I have faced the demon and batted his ass out the park. Gangsters aren't men, necessarily, not the responsible type anyways. And I without worldly knowledge am little more or less. How flattering to think of myself as a nine to five person. My production, my technique. Brutal boredom, Banana plantation.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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