Sticklebell- I pose this question to you, what if you were to not take a trip to the toilet daily and deposit a big load of poop inside?
Trickleberg - Hohoho, Sticklebell, what a ball tickler of a question you have posed to me! And indeed, my balls are tingling right now, at this very moment. Well, my silly little goose dog, let me answer your question in the most thorough and forceful way possible. I shall answer thusly, Sticklebell, I have thought of this question on many an occasion, perhaps whilst sipping on a daquire or some other such fruitcake drink. And I thought to myself 'I need to drop a pooper in the toilet, but I thinks I should rather not.' And you know what ultimatley caused me to unclench my buttocks and let loose the caboose juice? The question that ultimately has stumped even god himself. When one is constipated, where does the poop go? Back up and out? Eventually sure, but where is it now? It is both in my tummy, yet not going out the poop shoot and into the toilet. Are you in my tummy poop? No, because even the constipated love to eat and everybody knows that eating is motivated by the emptiness of the tummy area.
Sticklebell - Hardy har har Trickleberg, this is laughter coming out of my mouth and kissing your ears. The questions you claim to have posed to yourself is nothing but a childs fancy ice cream cone dropped on the ground. And the crying that the child bequethes unto his mother and her friends, all watching now. What an evil, horrible little child to cry like this for he causes his dear mother to example the old 5 second rule. Wherein she gets down on her knees and laps up from the concrete all the gritty little ice cream droplets for the appeasement of her childs temper. While it may seem grotesque to a plebe like yourself, the basis for this eating is in direct contradiction to your flabby hypothesis. For this mother, like you, eats out of heart motivations. Now look at your paunchy fingers. You eat for emotional reasons
Trickleberg - Oh Lord, oh god I do, boohoohoohoo
Sticklebell - Good, good, yes Trickleberg let it all out for daddy. That is a good little piggy, cry your alligator tears for the world to see. This has been a big day for both of us. I have beaten leukemia with prayer and you have admitted, for the first time in your little piggy life that you eat out of emotion. Let us libate!
Trickleberg - A big day indeed.
Sticklebell - A toast, to my best friend in the world!
Both - Cheers