Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
A Case Of The Poop Calling The Fart Stinky
people have all the luck and sometimes those are the same people who have no luck at all. Lets try to remember that luck comes in two flavors, namely root beer and poop beer. For the most part people seem to think that beer is beer, but let me tell you one thing. Poop beer is beer only in name, in reality it is carbonated diarhea. Get your money, make your dollars and keep on getting it in. Do what you want to do. And if that makes me feel a certain way then you did that.
A Case Of The Poop Calling The Fart Stinky
A Case Of The Poop Calling The Fart Stinky
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In the future all of our photos will move back and forth. They will also all be crazy as shit and not make any sense. In the future my hair will be long and luxurious (lugrius) and wave to and fro. But it wont be an afro, or even a wafro or jewfro, it will be locks, trust me. But that is what I used to have. Can any one be ready to be what they used to be?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Haiti Vs. Oil Spill

The season has not changed in NYC. Drizzle and rain and gloom. And in the world outisde of NYC (what world? haha) there have been two big fat tragedies. 1) Haiti: Big fucking earthquake fucks up the poverty cycle, hurts people who were already hurting, have no way to heal themselves. Poor as dirt, eat dirt. Nature fucks the fucked people. 2) Oil Spill: Capitalist venture goes cheap on safety measures. There is a mistake and 11 lives are lost and the regional environment is completely destroyed. Unprecendented type of ruination, cannot be rebuilt from, cannot be stopped. Which is worse; The tragedy of the poorest humans being molested by nature, or the richest of mankind ruining nature in their pursuit of further riches?
They are both, humans and nature are bad, we will destroy each other. Man kind will destroy nature because mankind cannot appreciate nature. Does nature not appreciate mankind?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
How I Sleep
I shall sleep in a big pile of money. I don’t mean coins and I don’t mean dollar bills. I mean real denominations, not even necessarily US dollars but certainly not any currency that’s less stable, so we’re talking pounds and euro’s here. And those shall not be in the form of ones, but in the form of fives and tens, twenty’s even. That is the softest bed I can imagine. That would be the greatest nights rest any man has ever known. I would lie in that bed day in and day out, I would lie in that bed until I got bed sores but of course they wouldn’t be bed sores, they would be returns on investing my ass into the sitting position. I would never spend my bed. I would never invest my bed in anything other than sleep. I would not need pillows or a blanket in such a bed, I would merely burrow further and further into my pile of money until I found the perfect spot that contoured to my body and warmed me all over. No buzzing from my alarm clock could ever reach me in such a bed as this. I think it is my right to live in such a bed. It would be exciting.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Rat in Our Vicinity!
I was taking the V train to west 4th after work because I am doing tennis pick-up in the village.
I opened my new Sherman Alexi book Flight and I was reading it diligently. Then the whole story arc changed and it was difficult to understand so I looked away from the page to let the story shift process.
The train was pretty sparsely populated and across from me a skinny older black lady was sitting in her purple sundress listening to an ipod and reading a magazine. I looked down at her legs and there was a black canvas bag.
Then out of the corner of my eye there was movement and my eye tracked it. It was a huge fucking rat! And it was scuttling along the wall of the train car, across the train and then underneath her seat. And then he must've sniffed something nice inside the black bag and he ever so delicately weaved between her legs and pulled down the side of the bag and climbed right in. He stayed in there, rustling around.
We got to my stop and I battled with what to say, if anything, without causing panic. Luckily the woman was getting up too. She was folding her magazine and going to pick up her bag. I held my hand to her in a 'stop don't way' and said 'ma'am theres a rat in your bag'.
Her look was at first disbelief and then when she looked down and saw her bag moving and bustling there was understanding. She rushed up and batted at her bag, once twice and thrice with her magazine. The bag rustled. The doors were open and people were waiting to get on but hesitating, sensing a scene, and out popped ratty!
The whole platform exploded in excitement. Ratty scurried along down the car and people poured out of the train. I walked along next to the woman and said the first not unkind thing that came to me. "I didn't know if he was your pet, I just wanted to make sure." She smiled meekly and went up the stairs, I kept walking down the platform.
What if it was her pet? What if she was embarrassed and now she and ratty are forever separated. Oh well, there will be other rats.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Competition in the Work

I am a part time dislexic
a full time usslah
but I can't be poor
you see, friends, I want to
help them and help myself
Trying to keep it as real
as I can man
so the question remains
debit or credit
two cats in a room
full of hungry rats
are they friends
or food for the rats
thats how we all feel
like a rat at times
and like a lonely cat
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