Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
scared to step to me
got no nuts
had a vasectomy
if pain is pleasure
prepare to be in extasy
hang u w the same rope
hung ur ass in effigy
got torture methods
saved up especially
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Gotta Get Up (To Get Down)
The movie up, I believe is symbolic and its content describes the essence of not only every children's story, but every story ever told. The movie contains all the aspects of the human experience and the arc of the narrative is in its foundation, the same as all other stories. The scene of the old man and boy escaping from the dogs on the beast's back; jumping down the steps of life but buoyed by the attached home (laden w balloons) is a perfect example of the sensation of needing to stay in motion and 'progressing' against the sense of 'self' that both gives us purpose and shelter but also restricts the freedom of our movements and if left unchecked will drag us towards an unwanted infinite ending. The trinity of man, child and beast are of course a dialogue with the concept of ego, superego and id. And the house of course represents (as it does in the dream world) the self that is created and presented to the outside world, it is the us we know.
Anyways, the characters and symbols and narrative of the movie up are all classic and consistent with all the natural characteristics of human story telling. It's essence is instantly recognizable and appreciable.
Up however is a very basic example of story telling and there are many more nuanced traditions that are unique to the different tribes and cultures of mankind. There are gangster stories and love stories and adventure stories. The movie 'Scarface' may be, like up, a classic example that surmises the essence of a genre's story arc and character. Scarface however is only a classic example of the gangsters story. It is mired in the details and specifics of the gangster genre and cannot therefore serve as a pure example of the totality and normalness of story telling unless it is related to a simpler film like up.
So in this way up is the truer movie, the more relatable movie. Up is more immediately resonant with a larger swath of people and therefore a truer representation and more complete fulfilment of the promise of movies and story telling, which is the bringing together of people and the creation of something that is compelling, moving, relatable and understandable on a screen.
And that is a demonstration of knowledge creation through intelligence. I found a theory, or a theory came upon me. Then I took that theory and expanded it to make it an umbrella over an entire genre such as 'film' or 'narratives' and used the kernel of truth from the original organic theory and made it applicable to a much wider and more often encountered daily phenomenon. the cultivation of the original kernel of truth is similar to the platonic approach to 'truth' and the results are the same.
Now I am at a juncture where I can either continue with the model, expanding it to other discernible tracks of my personal and the entire human experience, or I can somehow change the model, hopefully still utilizing the original kernel of truth. And here I am at a standstill. I have already let nature, the natural thought process contained in my nature and physiology, develop the gifted theory into a more expansive and valuable one. However, can the kernel be uncultivated? Can I get back to the original moment of inspiration and move in a more self directed and creative way, this time with the hope of a completely knew and revolutionary outcome? We will have to wait. We will see.
Monday, December 28, 2009
like expeditiously
Coffee with three flavors and calories.
Factors run factories, actors act, honest men answer honest questions honestly.
Young Jeezy raps in my dreams:
I left my fear in Portland.
Standing Ovation.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
R U the Veternarian?
myself pickin up motherfucker
Not a conservative, not even liberal
A mountaineer, a pioneer
A tiny field mouse shoplifting shafts of wheat
See this empty beer
that means I'm in a wierd mood
The hand rolled cigarette
Old timey movies
based on Odysseus
My Odyssey
My God it's Me
There are in the world so few places a man can breath. And I mean really breath. Deep breathes that woosh the air around him. Lungs rich, bonus air, alveoli blue with joy. So everyman is beholden to his hunger, no free will.
But where is the place a man cannot breath, or can only breath little breathes?
It is prison my friends, it is hell, it is a penintentiary.
And what does one wear in prison: Orange!
And where is breathing most limited?
I do not say impossible because clearly breathing is most impossible in space.
For this reason my friends I propose a law be instated that all submarines be painted orange.
Some may some this legislation is only for the birds
and there are other more important issues to law make.
Scuba fin length for instance.
But this is my world muthafucka, and I'ma take the world and drop it on ya fuckin head.
All in agreement: chu'ch
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Most Diabolical Genius in the History of Intelligence: Misinformed Disambiguation
lizard of Amphibian
I like all types of women thats the way its always been
I like the ones who's into men
Lots of women aint tho
lots of women lesbos
hey but thats alright tho
I watch them in my porno's
The only woman that I hate
You can call a snake
too broke to buy a tampon
Hey you stupid moron
You're bleeding on the futon
Where can I sit
in the snake pit?
dont want to get snake bit
man I hate this fake shit
The hottest Goddess be the oddest
strange exotic and erotic
forget the snakes and fishes
make me feel lubricious
Monday, December 14, 2009
We rule everything around us
Is it an effacement to you God?
To wonder:
Will there be a day when environmental changes Allows
The cocaine to come straight from Staten Island
And political shifts mean
A poet like me
Words like these
Will rock and shock the nation like the Emancipation Proclomation
One can only Hope
Sunday, November 29, 2009
THe universe as a a place of duality:
The first an ever divisible universe by factors of a repeating shape to fill in the corresponding uni-shape
A universe of increasing detail in the continuos image developing within the uni-shape.
The area of focus of an eye is centered on a single definable object and into that object an infinite journey of forward progress can take place in a flat field.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I see people all around me. Not knowing them and only seeing them, engulfed in myself and my own trial I see them. Unable or unwilling to face the difficulty ahead of them and cowering, passing time in impossibly tight spots, hot and stuffy so that it is unsustainable. This is the language of the ecology and the environment and I am more likely embroiled in economics, social strata and speech patterns, sociology, violence, reflection and meditation. Consumed now and wrapped up, ensnared in my self, struggling to own a thought or a thing I make judgements and accusations, make my body bigger and never stop to taste or touch or see or smell, enjoy it. This is my gift then, and the world to me. I am not in a hurry, owe nothing and own nothing, a spirit moved through, clairvoyant and tenuously gripping to a piece of a thought that jarred my conscious some minutes ago. plagued by questions and hurrying I lose my grip and remind myself of my greatness. It is reflecting off the raindrops on my window, the air that blows from my window fan and cools my room, sweeps the masculine stink away from my nostrils so I can at least smell at ease. This is not a journal, this is eternal. Affluent flatulent, stinky rich.